Some of the highlights:
They're here! The winning entries of the 2015 Mayor for a Day essay contest have been announced. From breakfast meet-and-greets to fostering cultural awareness, the leaders of the future share what they would do to encourage citizen engagement. Check out LMC’s ‘Mayor for a Day’ Essay Contest Winners to see who's running for your office in about 20 years.
Several ongoing debates at the Capitol will have big implications for Minnesota cities not just in 2016 but for years to come. Brush up on where issues like transportation and tax exemptions stand in "2016 Legislative Session: Taking Care of Unfinished Business."
Collaboration may be a buzzword—but does it really work? See how the city of Paynesville and their important township and county partners made the near-impossible happen in "Happy Trails—Paynesville Brings 30-Year Vision to Life." Want more city success stories? See how the city of Crystal corrected course when a development project took an unsuspected turn in "Redevelopment: Four Stages of Resident Communication."
And as always, check out From the Bench for summaries of recent court cases, St. Paul to City Hall for an important message from Executive Director David Unmacht, and Bits & Briefs for a roundup of city conversation-starters.