Answer: OK, we went over the rules for special meetings last week. This week: emergency meetings. Oh yeah. We know how to have fun.
Emergency meetings
Emergency meetings are a type of special meeting. One might say that emergency meetings are “special” special (special?) meetings of the city council. According to statute, an emergency meeting “is a special meeting called because of circumstances that, in the judgment of the public body, require immediate consideration by the public body."
A city should carefully consider whether the subject of a meeting is truly an emergency, or if the matter could be properly considered at a special or regular meeting of the city council.
Emergency meetings are called in the same way as other special meetings—either by the mayor, or two members of a five-member council, or three members of a seven-member council. The notice requirements for providing notice to councilmembers are the same as for a non-emergency special meeting. However, there is no requirement to post a public notice or publish a public notice of the meeting. Any news medium that has signed up to receive notice of meetings is to be notified of the emergency meeting as soon as practicable after notifying the councilmembers.
Written by Quinn O'Reilly, staff attorney with the League of Minnesota Cities. Contact: qoreilly@lmc.org or (651) 281-1271.
This blog post conveys general information. It’s not legal advice. Please check with your city attorney before acting on this information.