Inside the cover story, "Emergency Management: Are You Ready?" you'll hear from other city officials about how they are preparing for the worst-case scenario. Web Extra: See video from the city of Stockton, where a flood in 2007 knocked out power and phone service for four days. Four. Days.
Some city councils are considering the use of body-worn cameras by their police forces. These "body cams" are small devices with big legal implications. League staffer Rachel Carlson uses plain language to walk readers through some of the main considerations in "Letter of the Law: Body-Worn Cameras and the Data Practices Act."
This issue also includes retiring League Executive Director Jim Miller's last column. In "As I See It: Farewell and Thank-You," see what he has to say with his parting words to city officials.
Also not to be missed: An interview about how to avoid common missteps with municipal bonds, a fresh roundup of info and ideas in "Bits and Briefs," and summaries of recent court cases that could affect Minnesota cities.