The League of Minnesota Cities’ annual Mayor for a Day Essay Contest is now open! Students who will be in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades during the 2019-2020 school year can enter by answering this question:
Cities provide a variety of services and programs that make our lives better, including parks & rec, street maintenance, water and sewer, libraries, police, fire, and more! If you were mayor for a day, what would you do to make one of the services that your city provides even better?Students (ahem—and parents and teachers!) can download the essay form here. Handwritten responses must be mailed to us by Oct. 14, 2019.
The sky’s the limit for ideas!
Among last year’s winning essays, one student wanted to improve his city’s police department by encouraging officers to talk with kids more often. Another student focused on parks and rec, suggesting that her city add a community center and some after-school programs. The final winning essayist focused on improving her city’s streets and sidewalks, and hosting some events where residents could meet each other.
Three winners will be chosen—each winner will receive $100 and have their essay published in Minnesota Cities magazine.
So please share this with the kids you know … we can’t wait to read what they’d do to improve their cities!