ideas, and important background on city issues that will affect our work in 2017.
Some of the highlights:
"Bonding omnibus bill"—it's a fancy term to describe how the state helps fund projects like construction of water treatment facilities and road reconstruction that impact your residents every. day. See what went wrong during the last legislative session (where legislators failed to pass a bonding bill) and how cities left in the lurch are responding in 2017 Legislative Session: Seeking State Funds for Crumbling Infrastructure.
You know the saying, "Once a strategic planning consultant, always a strategic planning consultant." In his column, Executive Director Dave Unmacht shares some of his expertise for making your city's next sit-down a healthy and productive one in St. Paul to City Hall: The Making of a Successful Strategic-Planning Session.
Does your city's good news deserve a standing ovation, but it sounds more like crickets? See how you can break through to get important city news and events picked up by local news outlets in Message Matters: How to Get the Media to Cover Your (Good) City News.
And as always, check out From the Bench for summaries of recent court cases, Ideas in Action to see the latest and greatest city projects and programs, and Bits & Briefs for a roundup of city conversation-starters.