Thursday, May 9, 2013

LMCIT Beginnings: A Leap of Faith Leads the Way

When the commercial insurance market for cities reached a crisis point in the mid-'70s, League staff and several city officials stepped up to see what could be done.

Their solution was to build one of the first municipal insurance pools in the nation from scratch.

The data was sketchy. There was no legislative authority for such an entity. And, oh yeah, the competition wasn't too pleased.

It took a real leap of faith on the part of cities to join what was to become the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) in those days.

In this video, LMCIT Administrator Pete Tritz recounts some of the obstacles that the founders surmounted to make the Trust what it is today: a stable source of information and service tailored specifically to cities' needs. Not widget factories, not wandering dance troupes. Cities.

 Here's a sample of the coverages that LMCIT has developed JUST for cities over the years:

1991—Volunteer accident coverage

1993—Open Meeting Law coverage

1996—Land use regulation and development litigation coverage

2011—Post Traumatic Stress Disorder coverage for emergency responders

Read more from the interview with Pete Tritz in this month's special centennial keepsake magazine,  arriving soon with your copy of Minnesota Cities magazine.